At St Andrew’s we want to see godly men equipped to boldly live out our faith in Jesus Christ in every sphere of life: home, church, work, and socially. We believe this happens as men grow in Christ through meeting with our church family on Sundays and during the week, and as we spend time together learning from one another’s example and putting into practise Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
Therefore, we envisage that men in our church family will:
make one of our Sunday services the priority in their weekend;
be committed to a weekly home group;
put their gifts to use among the church family and beyond.
In addition to this, we offer the following opportunities:
Men’s Takeaway Nights
Our termly Men’s Takeaway Nights are a chance for men from our church family to get together on a Sunday evening for a takeaway, fellowship and chance to think about what it means to live as a Christian man in today's world.
Prayer Triplets
Most of us find opening up about the deepest areas of our lives a challenge in larger groups. Some find prayer triplets a brilliant way to overcome this barrier to their growth in Christian maturity. Prayer triplets are groups of 3 or 4 men who meet at their own convenience to pray, encourage, and challenge each other from God’s word. If that’s something you might be interested in please come along on a Sunday and speak to James.