Every child is a precious gift from God and so we love to help parents to celebrate the birth of their child with family and friends and especially before God. At St Andrew’s we have two ceremonies for this, either a Thanksgiving or a Baptism which take place as part of our Sunday Morning Service.
If you are interested in organising one of these Christenings for your child, please come along to one of our Services on Sundays and introduce yourself to us so that we can begin to talk this through with you and suggest the best way forward.
We also baptise adults and young people who have come to a personal faith in Jesus Christ and who have not already been baptised.

At St Andrew’s we delight in celebrating Christian marriage. Marriage is a very significant life event so we offer all engaged couples marriage preparation to help make the best start to life together. Please contact James if you’d like to explore a church wedding at St Andrew’s.
Contact James