Jesus is the most wonderful, amazing and extraordinary person who ever lived; what do you think of him? Christianity is all about Jesus and is the very best news in the world for every single one of us.
Maybe it’s a while since you read the Bible or you’ve never really given Jesus much thought as an adult? At St Andrew’s we’d love to help you to find out what you think of Jesus, what he did, what he said and why he still changes people's lives today. Join us on a Sunday at 10:30am to hear more about Jesus and to meet our church family.
As a taster, we run the Christianity Explored Course which is good for you whether you wouldn’t call yourself a Christian, aren’t sure or are a Christian wanting to have a bit of a refresher. Each term we will run a course on a weekday evening that suits those who sign up. There are seven sessions exploring Jesus' claims from Mark's gospel, each lasting around an hour. It's a great opportunity to ask questions, listen and discuss in a friendly and relaxed way from the comfort of your own home and it's completely free.
Sign up by completing this form or get in touch with James if you have any questions about the course. Contact James
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